
Saving quite handbags From dirty Floors: The Pink champagne handbag Holder

handbag holders are quite neat, particularly if you’re kind of, like, OCD about where your handbag goes when you’re out as well as about.

I dislike when my handbag touches the floor in a restaurant (or, god forbid, a bathroom), as well as I always make sure that anywhere it is, it’s within my line of sight. I’m not about to get my handbag stolen (knocks on wood) while eating fro-yo, ya know? That would destroy an otherwise remarkable thing.


So why did I wait so long to get a handbag holder?

Maybe I was waiting on the best one to find along…


Cheers! This pink champagne one certainly fits my style.

It’s by Chris’s Stuff, $9.95, as well as it’s likewise offered in red, gold as well as white.

It includes a black velvet bring pouch, too.

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