
Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 480

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. It’s more of a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past 10 (!) years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.?

1. What do you have on your lips right now?

Just a little bit of urban Decay Lip love ’cause my lips are so dry from the plane ride home yesterday.

2. Something you’d like to accomplish this week?

Soooo many things, but the first is to unpack all my stuff because I know if I wait for too long, the bags will just sit there unopened for weeks.


3. create or destroy?

A little bit of both? I’m going to pick create, because that’s what I like to do the most.

4. How’s your pedicure looking right now?

Girl, awful! I mean… I really should get professional help because it’s been ages since I’ve dealt with my feet, and they could definitely use some cheese grater love.

5. Something you recently learned about yourself?

Never thought I’d be able to say this but I recently learned that — yay! I can actually pack light.


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Back in the bay

Hi, sweet friend! super late Monday poll, I know, but I didn’t get any sleep last night when we got back home from the airport. The baby was grumpy, we were all jet-lagged, and because it was like a billion degrees in Novato while we were gone, the house was a pizza oven. Girl, it was rough! Please forgive me if the next few posts are short and sweet. regularly scheduled makeup programming will resume shortly.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



P.S. here are the questions to copy/paste.

1. What do you have on your lips right now?
2. Something you’d like to accomplish this week?
3. create or destroy?
4. How’s your pedicure looking right now?
5. Something you recently learned about yourself?

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