Tabs had no idea he was being watched/stalked this morning on his walk. As he was surveying his domain and taste-testing the foliage, the neighbor’s Shih Tzu was viewing the watcher. Tabs had no idea that he was the one who was actually under surveillance.
It was kind of embarrassing.
Lots of interesting things in the circle this morning, notwithstanding the canine that caught Tabs completely unawares.
Highlights included a huge grasshopper, a number of fragrant shrubs, a very bold crow and two very feisty male turkeys.
The early mornings are the best times to take a tabby on a walk (at least this tabby). We try to get out there before everyone starts waking up, because then Tabs can focus much more on striking fantastic kitty modeling poses, and focus less on noisy distractions.
Just another productive day of kitty modeling.
Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,