Today’s post is dedicated to Julija of Infinitely Awkward, and pays homage to fivezero’s megaposts. In one of the comments, Julija asked me how numerous Illamasqua polishes I owned – I did a quick count from my inventory spreadsheet, and the answer was: 47. (Correction, the number of distinct shades is actually 44, I purchased back-ups of certain shades which I will indicate with an asterisks) Arguably, Illamasqua are one of my all time favourites in terms of formula and colour selection. Up until last year, I had easy access to the brand but unfortunately, Illamasqua chose to exit from the North American market. numerous of the ones I own were purchased during the clearance sales. here is my Illamasqua collection, grouped by colour:
I also recently purchased these nail swatching spoons – I’ve been searching for ones with short handles (on the right) rather than the long ones that are implied for display purposes (left):
I’m pleased with these shorter ones, now I can see swatches of all my polishes easily and store them on a ring. I’ll probably do series of nail polish megaposts with other brands in my stash. Here we go – every single shade of Illamasqua nail polish I own swatched. These are noted alphabetically and shown with 2 coats (no base / top coat) – shade descriptions are from Illamasqua’s site where possible.
(Mild NSFW warning: some of Illamasqua’s shade names are of a raunchy, sexual nature. They make Nar’s Orgasm and Deep Throat seem tame!)
Alarm – bright flame red, glossy finish
Bacterium – pearlescent ash ochre
Baptiste – deep royal purple, shimmer finish
Blizzard – snow glitter, glitter finish
Boosh – pure black, glossy finish
Charisma – deep raspberry pink
Collide – bright neon pink, satin finish
Creator – magical black (shimmer finish)
DWS – cement grey
Facet* – grey crystal
Faithful – coppered metal, metallic finish
Faux pas – blue violet, rubber finish
Fire rose – shattered pink (shattered star)
Gothiqua – deep plum polish with bright green microshimmer
Grab – grape magenta, glossy finish
Harem – bright mauve pink
Hemlock – pale opal green iridescent
Jo’mina* – electric lilac
Lament – bright coral pink, glossy finish
Load – creamy white
Loella – bright candy pink, glossy finish
Milf – bright mint gloss
Monogamous – creamy flesh pink, matte finish
Muse – deep teal blue, glossy finish
Nomad – bright jade, glossy finish
Obsess – bright fuchsia pink, glossy finish
Phallic – deep midnight blue, shimmer finish
Pink Raindrops – sheer amazing pink (silver glitter)
Poke – bright violet purple, shimmer finish (review here)
Purity – peach (review here)
Raindrops* – sheer light grey, jelly finish (silver glitter)
Rampage – dark green jelly, glossy finish
Ruthless – bright scarlet red, glossy finish
Scarab – deep ruby red, metallic finish
Stagnant – grey mauve
Stance – fuchsia violet, glossy finish
Swinger – glistening platinum gold metallic finish
Taint – stone brown, rubber finish
Throb – blood red
Trilliant – shattered champagne (shattered star)
Unnatural – rich burgundy wine, glossy finish
Untold – red glitter, glossy finish
Venous – bold blue green
Viridian – peacock green, metallic finish
My preferred colours are of course, the 3 back-ups I purchased: Facet, Raindrops, and Jo’mina – as well, I love Bacterium, Ruthless, Scarab and Viridian. I hope you enjoyed! I will continue to post swatches on my hands of the Untrieds because technically many of these (50%) I have never actually worn on my nails. As you can imagine, this took a while to swatch, photograph and edit everything but I’m really delighted I finally started to swatch all my nail polishes. Do you own any Illamasqua nail polishes? Which ones are your favourites?
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