Hi, friend. How’s it going today? What are you up to? I hope it involves food and fun, whatever it is. ???
I don’t know if it exactly qualifies as fun, but I’m heading out the door for an early HIIT class at the gym. After that, though, I’m taking coywolf to a playdate because, apparently, I am now an Uber motorist at the beck and call of a threenager, ha ha ha!
But first, a little Saturday surfing…
When a product claims to be paraben-free, does that also indicate that it’s better for your health? It’s still unclear whether parabens are dangerous, but if they aren’t being used in a appeal product, then chances are another preservative is.
I’m all for doing everything you can to keep your skin in the best possible shape, but am I the only person who thinks that mini-fridges made specifically for appeal products are a little extra?
Tell your man that he needs to start wearing sunscreen underneath his beard, ASAP.
In perfume jargon, where does the term “Oriental” come from?
I see you, Coty. the best performing stock so far this year belongs to a cosmetics company.
The best MAC lippies for fair skin, according to experts.
Speaking of lip products, dermatologists love these lip balms with SPF.
Whole Paycheck whole Foods is on a mission to become a destination for appeal junkies.
How to choose the best brow shade to fill in those fuzzy little caterpillars.
Get ready to step that booty.
El Hub and I are also celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary this weekend (!). We’re heading down to Sausalito for dinner at a restaurant we haven’t been to before called Copita (gluten-free Mexican). and by “dinner,” I indicate that we have 5 p.m. reservations at a (hopefully) child-friendly restaurant!
Happy Caturday to you. I hope you have a beautiful weekend.
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