
Glowing Khaki Lids and Coral Lips (A 15-Minute makeup Look)…and a Pumpkin Cupcake Question!

Let’s go, glow! If you ever need to “improv” maracas (it could happen), just get hold of a jar of autumnal sprinkles, and give ’em a little shake! They’ll get the job done in a pinch. Yes, Bon Jovi is feeling IT. ADVERTISEMENT I wore this khaki makeup look to the bakery last Friday, by the way. Fall colors and an improv instrument in one fell swoop It was inspired by this jar of mixed sprinkles and these fall leaf cupcake liners I found at Michaels. Aren’t they pretty? I just love the greens and golds, and the little sugar...

Searching for Rainbows

thank you all so much for your sweet and kind words yesterday. Both Tabs and I can feel your love on this side of the keyboard. One of the weirdest things I’ve learned about despair over the past few days is that no matter how monumental a shift in your world feels, no matter how massively your reality changes, life, with all of its needs and wants (bill “due by” dates, meals to be made, plants that need to be watered, pajamas that need to be changed) keeps “keeping on.” ADVERTISEMENT It’s odd to step through my same routine while...